CO-OP Apprenticeship

CAREERS partners with local employers to bring valuable and educational apprenticeship opportunities to youth 18 – 25 years of age in the Wood Buffalo region. Through these internship programs, students can gain meaningful work experience in their chosen career path. The program is managed as a continuing education program with youth completing technical training at a college while remaining in the CO-OP program.

What is the CAREERS CO-OP Apprenticeship Program?

  • Founded in 1992, it is a longstanding post-secondary educational initiative with over 25 Years of success.
  • Apprenticeship opportunities provided to local youth in the RMWB leading to journeyperson certification and a local skilled workforce.
  • National & provincial recognition as an exemplary, successful model of apprenticeships in the trades. It is unique and the only one of its kind in Alberta.
  • Successful, local skilled workforce continues to reside in the area and have mentored the next generation of CO-OP apprentices.

Deadline to Apply: April 3rd, 2025 at 4:00 PM

Image of three workers during a construction apprenticeship

Program Details

Is CO-OP Apprenticeship rIght for you?

If you are considering the CAREERS CO-OP Apprenticeship Program, please read the following information to make sure it’s the right choice for you!


Please note, to be eligible for the next CO-OP intake, you must:

  • Must have graduated from high school in 2018 or later, or received you Post Secondary High School Diploma and be born in 2000 or later
  • Have lived in the RMWB since September 2024 or earlier
  • Attend a virtual CCAP Information Session

In addition to the eligibility requirements, applicants for the CAREERS CO-OP Apprenticeship Program (CCAP) must attend a virtual CCAP Information Session (approximately 30 minutes), write a Differential Aptitude Test (DAT), have the CSO and CSTS certificates. 

Selection Process

All applicants for the program are within seven years of completing their high school diploma and exceed all the trade entrance requirements as defined by Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training. The selection process is competitive and includes high school grades, a differential aptitude test, professional references, and completing a behavioral descriptive interview (BDI) with regional employers. All applicants have completed CSTS and one of CSO, BSO, or OSSA Regional Orientation. Applicants must have lived in the Wood Buffalo region for one year or more. Successful applicants will begin and finish their apprenticeship with a local employer.

Apprentice Rotation

When possible, apprentices rotate annually amongst participating employers. Conditions of employment are specific to each employer, and apprentices may be required to move from union to non-union environments or vice-versa. Apprentices placed with the employer could be in any year of their apprenticeship. CAREERS staff create the rotation of placements and monitor apprentices ensuring the apprentice is exposed to a variety of work placements. Based on trade and demand, annual rotations may not be feasible, and apprentices can remain with an employer beyond one year. 

CCAP apprentices are (generally) contract employees during their term of employment. As such, they adhere to ALL company policies and procedures.

Image of student during construction Apprenticeship

Permanent Employment Opportunities

In the final year of apprenticeship, (or the second to last year if only one period of technical training remains), a program employer may offer permanent employment to a CCAP apprentice. 

The CAREERS Program Coordinator will communicate to all participating employers the names of apprentices that are available for hire annually. The employer will notify the CAREERS whenever a permanent position is being offered to a CCAP apprentice. 


Get Involved

Are you an employer Interested in hiring apprentices through the CAREERS CO-OP Apprenticeship Program? Find out more here:


Our Supporters


Students exploring internships in skilled trades may also be eligible to fast track their training through the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) Learn more.