Young Women in Trades & Technologies (YWITT)
Home » Community Impact » Young Women in Trades & Technologies (YWITT)
Workshops, camps, and virtual events
YWITT provides mentorship through hands-on workshops, camps, and virtual events that showcase the range of opportunities available for female-identifying youth within the skilled trades and technologies. Creating a safe space to explore and ask questions about the world of skilled trades from the female perspective.
Participants are encouraged to be open to new possibilities and experiences that will help them to build a greater awareness of the career opportunities available to them.
CAREERS will also help students find opportunities to land a paid internships in the career they wish to explore further. Student interns will be paid for their work and earn high school credits. They may also register to have their work experience hours counted towards their apprenticeship certification through the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP)
"Ashley Carver
My animal health internship has pushed me in a new direction and helped me understand what I want to do. I got to explore my options which was what I needed. Thank you for giving me the opportunity.
"Kennedy Bahm
I’ve always been a hands-on learner, and I didn't want the fact that welding is a male-dominated industry to stop me from pursuing my passion. Thanks to CAREERS, my off-campus coordinator and the Registered Apprenticeship Program, I was able to earn credits while gaining hands-on experience in the trade.
"Angelica Wojtowicz
I wanted to see what the culinary arts had to offer so I drafted up a resume and sent it in to CAREERS. I had no idea that I would be the only woman working in the entire back of house. I was scared. Would I be an outcast? What if I fail? Do men really make better cooks than women? But the second I walked into the Earls Kitchen, I was welcomed with a wave of enthusiasm. Since starting at Earls Tin Palace, we’ve brought the number of women in our kitchen from 0% to 28%.
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Virtual Mentor Series
YWITT will also offer hands-on interactive camps for high school females who want to take it a step further and spend a few days touring shops, handling tools, meeting new people, creating special projects, and learning from professionals in the skilled trades.